Friday, March 15, 2013

Maybe Third Time's the Charm?

Hi all~ My name is Sarah!

This is the third time I've joined this site (the second was a few years ago at least, and the first time even longer than that).Both times before I just had a lot of trouble sticking with it for whatever reason. I've been roleplaying for nearly 10 years and I like to think that I'm a good writer. I'm always trying to write novels and such even though I can never follow through on them >.>. Mostly I stick to one x one RPs because I can never, ever, stick with forums (*looks at the three rp forums pinned to my bookmark bar that I've purposely been avoiding for the past few days...or weeks...*). I get so many ideas, and I think that's my problem. I get so many ideas that I just jump from one thing to the next, and forget planning because that never works out either.

I think my favorite part of roleplaying is the character development, giving them a back story, etc. Anyhow, I'm rambling xD. So I'll just wrap this up by saying hopefully this time I'll be able to stick around! I look forward to getting to know some of you better~


march madness swain match day nene dark shadows trailer nate mcmillan clooney arrested

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